Better Debates
Better Governance
We exist to promote quality debate & speech in schools, institutions and the wider society through training, advocacy and strategic partnerships.
NDC uses debate, speech, and other genres of art as a vehicle for change – a space for young people to contribute meaningfully to national conversations and offer solutions to what affects them and their communities most.
Through our programs, we teach youngsters to think critically, read widely in order to broaden and deepen their insight into the critical issues of today
Our Programs
National Speech & Debate Championship (NSDC)
This is NDC’s flagship programme. It was launched 2009 as the National Schools Debate Championship (NSDC). It is Uganda’s first and most engaging Debate championship whose name changed in 2023 with the full introduction of speech events like Poetry, Public Speaking and Story Telling. NSDC has since 2019 run under thematic areas of Transparency, Accountability and Anti-Corruption (TAAC). The main focus continues to be in the sectors of education, health, infrastructure, climate change and environment.
National Junior Speech & Debate Championship
This is the junior version of the NSDC tailored for Primary Schools. We believe the mindset change journey should start at the earliest stage. We have a massive opportunity with children at this stage, to impart the best values into them – values that will cause a revolution in our country in the areas of public service, work ethic, and business. This programme was launched in 2018 and despite the interruptions of COVID19, it is growing to become the biggest debate programme for youngerstars in the country. Inspiring them for service.
Virtual National Students Anti-Corruption Challenge
The Virtual National Students Anti-Corruption Challenge (VNSAC) was launched as a COVID19 response at a time when all schools were closed. It was inspired by the desire to include young people in conversations happening at the time and some of the questions arising from procurements and other related public discussions. We explored virtual platforms to engage young people. The inaugural edition in 2021 had 60 Participants. We have since engaged over 60,000 students using multiple online channels.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Victoria House
Bukoto, Kampala, UgandaMonday - Friday
8:30am -5:30pm256 772 882 865